Source code for rhodent.calculators.dipole

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
from typing import Generator

from .base import BaseObservableCalculator
from ..density_matrices.base import WorkMetadata
from ..utils import ResultKeys, Result

[docs] class DipoleCalculator(BaseObservableCalculator): r""" Obtain contributions to induced dipole moment from density matrices The induced dipole moment (i.e. the dipole moment minus the permanent component) is to first order given by .. math:: \delta\boldsymbol{\mu} = -2 \sum_{ia}^\text{eh} \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia}, where :math:`\boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia}` is the dipole matrix element of ground state Kohn-Sham pair :math:`ia` .. math:: \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} = \int \psi^{(0)}_i(\boldsymbol{r}) \boldsymbol{r} \psi^{(0)}_a(\boldsymbol{r}) \mathrm{d}\boldsymbol{r}. This class can also compute projections of the above on Voronoi weights :math:`w_{ia}`. Parameters ---------- density_matrices Object that gives the density matrix in the time or freqency domain voronoi Voronoi weights object energies_occ Energy grid (in eV) for occupied levels (hot holes) energies_unocc Energy grid (in eV) for unoccupied levels (hot electrons) sigma Gaussian broadening width in eV """
[docs] def get_result_keys(self, yield_total_ia: bool = False, yield_proj_ia: bool = False, yield_total_ou: bool = False, yield_proj_ou: bool = False, decompose_v: bool = True, v: int | None = None, ) -> ResultKeys: r""" Get the keys that each result will contain, and dimensions thereof. Parameters ---------- yield_total_ia The results should include the total dipole contributions in the electron-hole basis :math:`-2 \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia}`. yield_proj_ia The results should include projections of the dipole contributions in the electron-hole basis :math:`-2 \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia} w_{ia}`. yield_total_ou The results should include the total dipole contributions on the energy grid yield_proj_ou The results should include projections of the dipole contributions on the energy grid decompose_v The results should include the dipole moment and/or its contributions decomposed by Cartesian direction. v If not None, then the results should include the v:th Cartesian component of the dipole moment and its contributions. """ assert decompose_v or v is not None nI = self.nproj imin, imax, amin, amax = self.ksd.ialims() ni = imax - imin + 1 na = amax - amin + 1 no = len(self.energies_occ) nu = len(self.energies_unocc) resultkeys = ResultKeys() if v is not None: resultkeys.add_key('dm') if yield_total_ia: resultkeys.add_key('dm_ia', (ni, na)) if yield_total_ou: resultkeys.add_key('dm_ou', (no, nu)) resultkeys.add_key('dm_proj_II', (nI, nI)) if yield_proj_ia: resultkeys.add_key('dm_occ_proj_Iia', (nI, ni, na)) resultkeys.add_key('dm_unocc_proj_Iia', (nI, ni, na)) if yield_proj_ou: resultkeys.add_key('dm_occ_proj_Iou', (nI, no, nu)) resultkeys.add_key('dm_unocc_proj_Iou', (nI, no, nu)) if decompose_v: resultkeys.add_key('dm_v', 3) if yield_total_ia: resultkeys.add_key('dm_iav', (ni, na, 3)) if yield_total_ou: resultkeys.add_key('dm_ouv', (no, nu, 3)) resultkeys.add_key('dm_proj_IIv', (nI, nI, 3)) if yield_proj_ia: resultkeys.add_key('dm_occ_proj_Iiav', (nI, ni, na, 3)) resultkeys.add_key('dm_unocc_proj_Iiav', (nI, ni, na, 3)) if yield_proj_ou: resultkeys.add_key('dm_occ_proj_Iouv', (nI, no, nu, 3)) resultkeys.add_key('dm_unocc_proj_Iouv', (nI, no, nu, 3)) return resultkeys
[docs] def icalculate(self, yield_total_ia: bool = False, yield_proj_ia: bool = False, yield_total_ou: bool = False, yield_proj_ou: bool = False, decompose_v: bool = True, v: int | None = None, ) -> Generator[tuple[WorkMetadata, Result], None, None]: r""" Iteratively calculate dipole contributions. Parameters ---------- yield_total_ia The results should include the total dipole contributions in the electron-hole basis :math:`-2 \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia}`. yield_proj_ia The results should include projections of the dipole contributions in the electron-hole basis :math:`-2 \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia} w_{ia}`. yield_total_ou The results should include the total dipole contributions on the energy grid yield_proj_ou The results should include projections of the dipole contributions on the energy grid decompose_v The results should include the dipole moment and/or its contributions decomposed by Cartesian direction. v If not None, then the results should include the v:th Cartesian component of the dipole moment and its contributions. Yields ------ Tuple (work, result) on the root rank of the calculation communicator: work An object representing the metadata (time, frequency or pulse) for the work done result Object containg the calculation results for this time, frequency or pulse Yields nothing on non-root ranks of the calculation communicator. """ from gpaw.tddft.units import au_to_eA include_energy_dists = (yield_total_ou or yield_proj_ou) if include_energy_dists: assert self.sigma is not None need_entire_matrix = (yield_total_ou or yield_proj_ou or yield_total_ia or yield_proj_ia or self.nproj > 0) assert all([order in self.density_matrices.derivative_order_s for order in [0]]) dm0_vp = 2 * self.ksd.dm_vp * au_to_eA # List all keys that this method computes # This is necessary to safely send and receive data across ranks resultkeys = self.get_result_keys(yield_total_ia=yield_total_ia, yield_proj_ia=yield_proj_ia, yield_total_ou=yield_total_ou, yield_proj_ou=yield_proj_ou, decompose_v=decompose_v, v=v, ) self._read_weights_diagonal() # Iterate over the pulses and times for work, dm in self.density_matrices: dm.rho_p # Read these now, so non calc_comm root ranks can continue if dm.rank > 0: continue self.log.start('calculate') if need_entire_matrix: dm_pv = - (dm0_vp * dm.rho_p.real).T dm_v = np.sum(dm_pv, axis=0) dm_iav = dm.M_ia_from_M_p(dm_pv) if yield_total_ou: dm_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_iav) else: dm_v = - dm0_vp @ dm.rho_p.real result = Result() if decompose_v: result['dm_v'] = dm_v if yield_total_ia: result['dm_iav'] = dm_iav if yield_total_ou: result['dm_ouv'] = dm_ouv if v is not None: result['dm'] = dm_v[v] if yield_total_ia: result['dm_ia'] = dm_iav[..., v] if yield_total_ou: result['dm_ou'] = dm_ouv[..., v] # Initialize the remaining empty arrays result.create_all_empty(resultkeys) # Iterate over projections for iI, weight_n in enumerate(self._iterate_weights_diagonal): assert weight_n is not None weight_i = weight_n[self.flti] weight_a = weight_n[self.flta] for iI2, weight2_n in enumerate(self._iterate_weights_diagonal): assert weight2_n is not None weight2_a = weight2_n[self.flta] dm_proj_v = np.einsum('iav,i,a->v', dm_iav, weight_i, weight2_a, optimize=True) result['dm_proj_IIv'][iI, iI2] = dm_proj_v if yield_proj_ia or yield_proj_ou: dm_occ_proj_iav = dm_iav * weight_i[:, None, None] dm_unocc_proj_iav = dm_iav * weight_a[None, :, None] if yield_proj_ou: dm_occ_proj_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_occ_proj_iav) dm_unocc_proj_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_unocc_proj_iav) if decompose_v: if yield_proj_ia: result['dm_occ_proj_Iiav'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_iav result['dm_unocc_proj_Iiav'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_iav if yield_proj_ou: result['dm_occ_proj_Iouv'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_ouv result['dm_unocc_proj_Iouv'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_ouv if v is not None: if yield_proj_ia: result['dm_occ_proj_Iia'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_iav[..., v] result['dm_unocc_proj_Iia'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_iav[..., v] if yield_proj_ou: dm_occ_proj_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_occ_proj_iav) dm_unocc_proj_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_unocc_proj_iav) if decompose_v: if yield_proj_ia: result['dm_occ_proj_Iiav'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_iav result['dm_unocc_proj_Iiav'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_iav if yield_proj_ou: result['dm_occ_proj_Iouv'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_ouv result['dm_unocc_proj_Iouv'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_ouv if v is not None: if yield_proj_ia: result['dm_occ_proj_Iia'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_iav[..., v] result['dm_unocc_proj_Iia'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_iav[..., v] if yield_proj_ou: result['dm_occ_proj_Iou'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_ouv[..., v] result['dm_unocc_proj_Iou'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_ouv[..., v] self.log(f'Calculated and broadened dipoles contributions in {self.log.elapsed("calculate"):.2f}s ' f'for {work.desc}', flush=True) yield work, result if self.calc_comm.rank == 0: self.log('Finished calculating dipoles contributions', flush=True)