Source code for rhodent.writers.pulserho

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from os import makedirs
from os.path import dirname

from gpaw.mpi import world

from ..density_matrices.time import ConvolutionDensityMatrices
from ..utils import get_gaussian_pulse_values

[docs] def calculate_pulserho_and_save(pulserho_fmt: str, density_matrices: ConvolutionDensityMatrices): """ Read density matrices in frequency space from disk, convolve with Gaussian laser pulse, and inverse Fourier transform to get a time domain response. Save the pulse density matrces for selected times in the simulation Read density matrices in frequency space from disk Parameters ---------- pulserho_fmt Formatting string for the density matrices saved to disk. Example: * pulserho_fmt = 'pulserho/t{time:09.1f}{tag}.npy' Accepts variables * {time} - Time in as * {tag} - Derivative tag, '', '-Iomega', or '-omega2' * {pulsefreq} - Pulse frequency in eV * {pulsefwhm} - Pulse FWHM in fs density_matrices Object that gives the density matrix in the time domain """ dname = dirname(pulserho_fmt.format(time=0, tag='', pulsefreq=0, pulsefwhm=0)) # Output directory if world.rank == 0: makedirs(dname, exist_ok=True) world.barrier() calc_comm = density_matrices.calc_comm log = density_matrices.log nlocaltot = len(density_matrices.local_work_plan) if world.rank == 0: log('Read frequency density matrix', flush=True) tags_keys = [(tag, key) for s, (tag, key) in enumerate( [('', 'rho_p'), ('-Iomega', 'drho_p'), ('-omega2', 'ddrho_p')]) if s in density_matrices.derivative_order_s] # Do convolution time-by-time for ndone, (work, dm) in enumerate(density_matrices, 1): avg = log.elapsed('read')/ndone estrem = avg * (nlocaltot - ndone) log(f'Calculated t{work.time:09.1f} ' f'Avg: {avg:10.3f}s ETA: {estrem:10.3f}s', flush=True) for tag, key in tags_keys: fname_kw = dict(time=work.time, tag=tag, **get_gaussian_pulse_values(work.pulse)) fname = pulserho_fmt.format(**fname_kw) rho_p = getattr(dm, key) if calc_comm.rank == 0: assert isinstance(rho_p, np.ndarray), rho_p)