from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from os import makedirs
from os.path import dirname
from gpaw.mpi import world
from ..density_matrices.time import ConvolutionDensityMatrices
from ..utils import get_gaussian_pulse_values
def calculate_pulserho_and_save(pulserho_fmt: str,
density_matrices: ConvolutionDensityMatrices):
""" Read density matrices in frequency space from disk, convolve with
Gaussian laser pulse, and inverse Fourier transform to get a time domain response.
Save the pulse density matrces for selected times in the simulation
Read density matrices in frequency space from disk
Formatting string for the density matrices saved to disk.
* pulserho_fmt = 'pulserho/t{time:09.1f}{tag}.npy'
Accepts variables
* {time} - Time in as
* {tag} - Derivative tag, '', '-Iomega', or '-omega2'
* {pulsefreq} - Pulse frequency in eV
* {pulsefwhm} - Pulse FWHM in fs
Object that gives the density matrix in the time domain
dname = dirname(pulserho_fmt.format(time=0, tag='', pulsefreq=0, pulsefwhm=0))
# Output directory
if world.rank == 0:
makedirs(dname, exist_ok=True)
calc_comm = density_matrices.calc_comm
log = density_matrices.log
nlocaltot = len(density_matrices.local_work_plan)
if world.rank == 0:
log('Read frequency density matrix', flush=True)
tags_keys = [(tag, key) for s, (tag, key) in enumerate(
[('', 'rho_p'), ('-Iomega', 'drho_p'), ('-omega2', 'ddrho_p')]) if s in density_matrices.derivative_order_s]
# Do convolution time-by-time
for ndone, (work, dm) in enumerate(density_matrices, 1):
avg = log.elapsed('read')/ndone
estrem = avg * (nlocaltot - ndone)
log(f'Calculated t{work.time:09.1f} '
f'Avg: {avg:10.3f}s ETA: {estrem:10.3f}s', flush=True)
for tag, key in tags_keys:
fname_kw = dict(time=work.time, tag=tag, **get_gaussian_pulse_values(work.pulse))
fname = pulserho_fmt.format(**fname_kw)
rho_p = getattr(dm, key)
if calc_comm.rank == 0:
assert isinstance(rho_p, np.ndarray), rho_p)