Source code for rhodent.writers.pdos

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing import Any
from gpaw.mpi import world

from ..cli.voronoi import atom_projections_to_numpy
from ..voronoi import VoronoiWeights
from ..pdos import PDOSCalculator

[docs] def calculate_and_save_by_filename(out_fname: str, **kwargs): """ Read eigenvalues and wave functions from ground state and calculate broadened PDOS The PDOS is projected on each group of atoms in atom_projections The file format of the resulting data file is inferred from the file name Parameters ---------- out_fname File name of data file where data is to be saved voronoi Voronoi weights calculator/reader energies Array of energies (in eV) for which the broadened DOS is computed sigma Gaussian broadening width in eV gpw_file Filename of GPAW ground state file zerofermi Eigenvalues relative to Fermi level if true, else relative to vacuum """ if out_fname[-4:] == '.npz': calculate_and_save_npz(out_fname=out_fname, **kwargs) elif out_fname[-4:] == '.dat': calculate_and_save_dat(out_fname=out_fname, **kwargs) else: print(f'output-file must have ending .npz or .dat, is {out_fname}') sys.exit(1)
[docs] def calculate_and_save_dat(out_fname: str, voronoi: VoronoiWeights, energies: list[float] | NDArray[np.float64], sigma: float, gpw_file: str, zerofermi: bool = False): """ Read eigenvalues and wave functions from ground state and calculate broadened PDOS The PDOS is projected on each group of atoms in atom_projections Save the broadened PDOS in a text file Parameters ---------- out_fname File name of data file where data is to be saved voronoi Voronoi weights calculator/reader energies Array of energies (in eV) for which the broadened DOS is computed sigma Gaussian broadening width in eV gpw_file Filename of GPAW ground state file zerofermi Eigenvalues relative to Fermi level if true, else relative to vacuum """ if zerofermi: zerostr = 'relative to Fermi level' else: zerostr = 'relative to vacuum level' Ni = len(voronoi) calc = PDOSCalculator(voronoi, energies=energies, sigma=sigma, zerofermi=zerofermi, gpw_file=gpw_file) if world.rank == 0: # Construct energy grid savedata = np.zeros((len(energies), Ni + 1)) savedata[:, 0] = energies pdos_ei = savedata[:, 1:] for i, ret in enumerate(calc.icalculate()): if world.rank != 0: continue pdos_ei[:, i] = ret['pdos_e'] if world.rank != 0: return projectionsstr = '\n'.join([f' {i:4.0f}: {str(proj)}' for i, proj in enumerate(voronoi.atom_projections)]) projcolumns = ' '.join([f'PDOS {i:4.0f} (1/eV)' for i in range(Ni)]) header = (f'PDOS {zerostr}\n' 'Atomic projections:\n' f'{projectionsstr}\n' f'Gaussian folding, Width {sigma:.4f}eV\n' f'Energy (eV) {projcolumns}') fmt = ['%13.6f'] + Ni*['%18.8e'] np.savetxt(out_fname, savedata, fmt, header=header)
[docs] def calculate_and_save_npz(out_fname: str, voronoi: VoronoiWeights, energies: list[float] | NDArray[np.float64], sigma: float, gpw_file: str, zerofermi: bool = False, write_extra: dict[str, Any] = dict(), write_extra_from_voronoi: bool = False): """ Read eigenvalues and wave functions from ground state and calculate broadened PDOS The PDOS is projected on each group of atoms in atom_projections Save the broadened PDOS in a compressed numpy .npz archive Parameters ---------- out_fname File name of data file where data is to be saved voronoi Voronoi weights calculator/reader energies Array of energies (in eV) for which the broadened DOS is computed sigma Gaussian broadening width in eV gpw_file Filename of GPAW ground state file zerofermi Eigenvalues relative to Fermi level if true, else relative to vacuum write_extra Dictionary of extra key-value pairs to write to the .npz file write_extra_from_voronoi If true, and voronoi is a ULM reader, extra key-value pairs are read from voronoi and written to the .npz file """ ni = len(voronoi) write: dict[str, Any] = dict() if world.rank == 0: write['energy_e'] = energies write['atom_projections'] = atom_projections_to_numpy(voronoi.atom_projections) pdos_ei = write['pdos_ei'] = np.zeros((len(energies), ni)) write.update(voronoi.saved_fields) write.update(write_extra) calc = PDOSCalculator(voronoi, energies=energies, sigma=sigma, zerofermi=zerofermi, gpw_file=gpw_file) for i, ret in enumerate(calc.icalculate()): if world.rank != 0: continue pdos_ei[:, i] = ret['pdos_e'] if world.rank != 0: return write.update(sigma=sigma, zerofermi=zerofermi) np.savez(out_fname, **write) print(f'Written {out_fname}', flush=True)