Source code for rhodent.writers.voronoi

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import numpy as np
from typing import Any
from import Writer
from gpaw.mpi import world

from ..cli.voronoi import atom_projections_to_numpy
from ..utils import proj_as_dict_on_master
from ..voronoi import VoronoiWeights, VoronoiLCAOWeightCalculator

[docs] def calculate_and_save_by_filename(out_fname: str, **kwargs): """ Save Voronoi weights to file The file format of the resulting file is inferred from the file name Parameters ---------- out_fname File name of the voronoi weigths file voronoi Voronoi weights object write_extra Dictionary of extra key-value pairs to write to the data file """ if out_fname[-4:] == '.npz': calculate_and_save_npz(out_fname=out_fname, **kwargs) elif out_fname[-4:] == '.ulm': calculate_and_save_ulm(out_fname=out_fname, **kwargs) else: print(f'output-file must have ending .npz or .ulm, is {out_fname}') sys.exit(1)
[docs] def calculate_and_save_LCAO_only_by_filename(out_fname: str, **kwargs): """ Save Voronoi weights in LCAO basis to file The file format of the resulting file is inferred from the file name Parameters ---------- out_fname File name of the voronoi weigths file voronoi_lcao Voronoi weights in LCAO basis object write_extra Dictionary of extra key-value pairs to write to the data file """ if out_fname[-4:] == '.npz': calculate_and_save_npz_LCAO_only(out_fname=out_fname, **kwargs) elif out_fname[-4:] == '.ulm': calculate_and_save_ulm_LCAO_only(out_fname=out_fname, **kwargs) else: print(f'output-file must have ending .npz or .ulm, is {out_fname}') sys.exit(1)
[docs] def calculate_and_save_ulm(out_fname: str, voronoi: VoronoiWeights, write_extra: dict[str, Any] = dict()): """ Save Voronoi weights to ULM file Parameters ---------- out_fname File name of the voronoi weigths file voronoi Voronoi weights object write_extra Dictionary of extra key-value pairs to write to the data file """ ni = voronoi.nproj nn = voronoi.nn write = dict() if world.rank == 0: write.update(voronoi.saved_fields) write.update(write_extra) with Writer(out_fname, world, mode='w', tag='Voronoi') as writer: writer.write(version=1) writer.write('atom_projections', voronoi.atom_projections) for key, value in write.items(): writer.write(key, value) if world.rank == 0: writer.add_array('weight_inn', (ni, nn, nn), dtype=voronoi.dtype) for weight_nn in voronoi: if world.rank != 0: continue writer.fill(weight_nn) if world.rank == 0: print(f'Written {out_fname}', flush=True)
[docs] def calculate_and_save_ulm_LCAO_only(out_fname: str, voronoi_lcao: VoronoiLCAOWeightCalculator, write_extra: dict[str, Any] = dict()): """ Save Voronoi weights in LCAO basis to ULM file Parameters ---------- out_fname File name of the voronoi weigths file voronoi_lcao Voronoi weights in LCAO basis object write_extra Dictionary of extra key-value pairs to write to the data file """ ni = voronoi_lcao.nproj nM = voronoi_lcao.nM write = dict() if world.rank == 0: write.update(voronoi_lcao.saved_fields) write.update(write_extra) with Writer(out_fname, world, mode='w', tag='Voronoi-LCAO') as writer: writer.write(version=1) writer.write('atom_projections', voronoi_lcao.atom_projections) for key, value in write.items(): writer.write(key, value) calc = voronoi_lcao.calc k, s = 0, 0 Nn = P_ani = proj_as_dict_on_master(calc.wfs.kpt_u[0].projections, 0, Nn) C_nM = calc.wfs.collect_array('C_nM', k, s) dS_aii = {a: setup.dO_ii for a, setup in enumerate(calc.wfs.setups)} # Same data on all ranks if world.rank == 0: writer.write('C_nM', C_nM) writer.write('P_ani', P_ani) writer.write('dS_aii', dS_aii) if world.rank == 0: writer.add_array('weight_iMM', (ni, nM, nM), dtype=voronoi_lcao.dtype) for weight_MM in voronoi_lcao: voronoi_lcao.domain_comm.sum(weight_MM) if world.rank != 0: continue writer.fill(weight_MM) if world.rank == 0: print(f'Written {out_fname}', flush=True)
[docs] def calculate_and_save_npz(out_fname: str, voronoi: VoronoiWeights, write_extra: dict[str, Any] = dict()): """ Save Voronoi weights to numpy archive Parameters ---------- out_fname File name of the voronoi weigths file voronoi Voronoi weights object write_extra Dictionary of extra key-value pairs to write to the data file """ ni = voronoi.nproj nn = voronoi.nn dtype = voronoi.dtype write = dict() if world.rank == 0: write.update(voronoi.saved_fields) write['atom_projections'] = atom_projections_to_numpy(voronoi.atom_projections) write.update(write_extra) weight_inn = np.zeros((ni, nn, nn), dtype=dtype) for i, weight_nn in enumerate(voronoi): if world.rank != 0: continue weight_inn[i, ...] = weight_nn if world.rank != 0: return np.savez(out_fname, weight_inn=weight_inn, **write) print(f'Written {out_fname}', flush=True)
[docs] def calculate_and_save_npz_LCAO_only(out_fname: str, voronoi_lcao: VoronoiLCAOWeightCalculator, write_extra: dict[str, Any] = dict()): """ Save Voronoi weights in LCAO basis to numpy archive Parameters ---------- out_fname File name of the voronoi weigths file voronoi_lcao Voronoi weights in LCAO basis object write_extra Dictionary of extra key-value pairs to write to the data file """ ni = voronoi_lcao.nproj nM = voronoi_lcao.nM dtype = voronoi_lcao.dtype write = dict() if world.rank == 0: write.update(voronoi_lcao.saved_fields) write['atom_projections'] = atom_projections_to_numpy(voronoi_lcao.atom_projections) write.update(write_extra) weight_iMM = np.zeros((ni, nM, nM), dtype=dtype) calc = voronoi_lcao.calc k, s = 0, 0 Nn = P_ani = proj_as_dict_on_master(calc.wfs.kpt_u[0].projections, 0, Nn) C_nM = calc.wfs.collect_array('C_nM', k, s) dS_aii = {a: setup.dO_ii for a, setup in enumerate(calc.wfs.setups)} # Same data on all ranks write = dict() if world.rank == 0: write['C_nM'] = C_nM write['P_ani'] = P_ani write['dS_aii'] = dS_aii for i, weight_MM in enumerate(voronoi_lcao): voronoi_lcao.domain_comm.sum(weight_MM) if world.rank != 0: continue weight_iMM[i, ...] = weight_MM # type: ignore if world.rank != 0: return np.savez(out_fname, **write, weight_iMM=weight_iMM, **write) print(f'Written {out_fname}', flush=True)