from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from typing import Generator
from .base import BaseObservableCalculator
from ..density_matrices.base import WorkMetadata
from ..utils import ResultKeys, Result
class DipoleCalculator(BaseObservableCalculator):
r""" Obtain contributions to induced dipole moment from density matrices
The induced dipole moment (i.e. the dipole moment minus the permanent
component) is to first order given by
.. math::
\delta\boldsymbol{\mu} = -2 \sum_{ia}^\text{eh}
\boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia},
where :math:`\boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia}` is the dipole matrix element of ground state Kohn-Sham
pair :math:`ia`
.. math::
\boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} = \int \psi^{(0)}_i(\boldsymbol{r}) \boldsymbol{r}
\psi^{(0)}_a(\boldsymbol{r}) \mathrm{d}\boldsymbol{r}.
This class can also compute projections of the above on Voronoi weights :math:`w_{ia}`.
Object that gives the density matrix in the time or freqency domain
Voronoi weights object
Energy grid (in eV) for occupied levels (hot holes)
Energy grid (in eV) for unoccupied levels (hot electrons)
Gaussian broadening width in eV
def get_result_keys(self,
yield_total_ia: bool = False,
yield_proj_ia: bool = False,
yield_total_ou: bool = False,
yield_proj_ou: bool = False,
decompose_v: bool = True,
v: int | None = None,
) -> ResultKeys:
r""" Get the keys that each result will contain, and dimensions thereof.
The results should include the total dipole contributions in the electron-hole basis
:math:`-2 \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia}`.
The results should include projections of the dipole contributions in the electron-hole basis
:math:`-2 \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia} w_{ia}`.
The results should include the total dipole contributions on the energy grid
The results should include projections of the dipole contributions on the energy grid
The results should include the dipole moment and/or its contributions decomposed
by Cartesian direction.
If not None, then the results should include the v:th Cartesian component
of the dipole moment and its contributions.
assert decompose_v or v is not None
nI = self.nproj
imin, imax, amin, amax = self.ksd.ialims()
ni = imax - imin + 1
na = amax - amin + 1
no = len(self.energies_occ)
nu = len(self.energies_unocc)
resultkeys = ResultKeys()
if v is not None:
if yield_total_ia:
resultkeys.add_key('dm_ia', (ni, na))
if yield_total_ou:
resultkeys.add_key('dm_ou', (no, nu))
resultkeys.add_key('dm_proj_II', (nI, nI))
if yield_proj_ia:
resultkeys.add_key('dm_occ_proj_Iia', (nI, ni, na))
resultkeys.add_key('dm_unocc_proj_Iia', (nI, ni, na))
if yield_proj_ou:
resultkeys.add_key('dm_occ_proj_Iou', (nI, no, nu))
resultkeys.add_key('dm_unocc_proj_Iou', (nI, no, nu))
if decompose_v:
resultkeys.add_key('dm_v', 3)
if yield_total_ia:
resultkeys.add_key('dm_iav', (ni, na, 3))
if yield_total_ou:
resultkeys.add_key('dm_ouv', (no, nu, 3))
resultkeys.add_key('dm_proj_IIv', (nI, nI, 3))
if yield_proj_ia:
resultkeys.add_key('dm_occ_proj_Iiav', (nI, ni, na, 3))
resultkeys.add_key('dm_unocc_proj_Iiav', (nI, ni, na, 3))
if yield_proj_ou:
resultkeys.add_key('dm_occ_proj_Iouv', (nI, no, nu, 3))
resultkeys.add_key('dm_unocc_proj_Iouv', (nI, no, nu, 3))
return resultkeys
def icalculate(self,
yield_total_ia: bool = False,
yield_proj_ia: bool = False,
yield_total_ou: bool = False,
yield_proj_ou: bool = False,
decompose_v: bool = True,
v: int | None = None,
) -> Generator[tuple[WorkMetadata, Result], None, None]:
r""" Iteratively calculate dipole contributions.
The results should include the total dipole contributions in the electron-hole basis
:math:`-2 \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia}`.
The results should include projections of the dipole contributions in the electron-hole basis
:math:`-2 \boldsymbol{\mu}_{ia} \mathrm{Re}\:\delta\rho_{ia} w_{ia}`.
The results should include the total dipole contributions on the energy grid
The results should include projections of the dipole contributions on the energy grid
The results should include the dipole moment and/or its contributions decomposed
by Cartesian direction.
If not None, then the results should include the v:th Cartesian component
of the dipole moment and its contributions.
Tuple (work, result) on the root rank of the calculation communicator:
An object representing the metadata (time, frequency or pulse) for the work done
Object containg the calculation results for this time, frequency or pulse
Yields nothing on non-root ranks of the calculation communicator.
from gpaw.tddft.units import au_to_eA
include_energy_dists = (yield_total_ou or yield_proj_ou)
if include_energy_dists:
assert self.sigma is not None
need_entire_matrix = (yield_total_ou or yield_proj_ou
or yield_total_ia or yield_proj_ia
or self.nproj > 0)
assert all([order in self.density_matrices.derivative_order_s for order in [0]])
dm0_vp = 2 * self.ksd.dm_vp * au_to_eA
# List all keys that this method computes
# This is necessary to safely send and receive data across ranks
resultkeys = self.get_result_keys(yield_total_ia=yield_total_ia,
# Iterate over the pulses and times
for work, dm in self.density_matrices:
dm.rho_p # Read these now, so non calc_comm root ranks can continue
if dm.rank > 0:
if need_entire_matrix:
dm_pv = - (dm0_vp * dm.rho_p.real).T
dm_v = np.sum(dm_pv, axis=0)
dm_iav = dm.M_ia_from_M_p(dm_pv)
if yield_total_ou:
dm_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_iav)
dm_v = - dm0_vp @ dm.rho_p.real
result = Result()
if decompose_v:
result['dm_v'] = dm_v
if yield_total_ia:
result['dm_iav'] = dm_iav
if yield_total_ou:
result['dm_ouv'] = dm_ouv
if v is not None:
result['dm'] = dm_v[v]
if yield_total_ia:
result['dm_ia'] = dm_iav[..., v]
if yield_total_ou:
result['dm_ou'] = dm_ouv[..., v]
# Initialize the remaining empty arrays
# Iterate over projections
for iI, weight_n in enumerate(self._iterate_weights_diagonal):
assert weight_n is not None
weight_i = weight_n[self.flti]
weight_a = weight_n[self.flta]
for iI2, weight2_n in enumerate(self._iterate_weights_diagonal):
assert weight2_n is not None
weight2_a = weight2_n[self.flta]
dm_proj_v = np.einsum('iav,i,a->v', dm_iav, weight_i, weight2_a, optimize=True)
result['dm_proj_IIv'][iI, iI2] = dm_proj_v
if yield_proj_ia or yield_proj_ou:
dm_occ_proj_iav = dm_iav * weight_i[:, None, None]
dm_unocc_proj_iav = dm_iav * weight_a[None, :, None]
if yield_proj_ou:
dm_occ_proj_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_occ_proj_iav)
dm_unocc_proj_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_unocc_proj_iav)
if decompose_v:
if yield_proj_ia:
result['dm_occ_proj_Iiav'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_iav
result['dm_unocc_proj_Iiav'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_iav
if yield_proj_ou:
result['dm_occ_proj_Iouv'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_ouv
result['dm_unocc_proj_Iouv'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_ouv
if v is not None:
if yield_proj_ia:
result['dm_occ_proj_Iia'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_iav[..., v]
result['dm_unocc_proj_Iia'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_iav[..., v]
if yield_proj_ou:
dm_occ_proj_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_occ_proj_iav)
dm_unocc_proj_ouv = self.broaden_ia2ou(dm_unocc_proj_iav)
if decompose_v:
if yield_proj_ia:
result['dm_occ_proj_Iiav'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_iav
result['dm_unocc_proj_Iiav'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_iav
if yield_proj_ou:
result['dm_occ_proj_Iouv'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_ouv
result['dm_unocc_proj_Iouv'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_ouv
if v is not None:
if yield_proj_ia:
result['dm_occ_proj_Iia'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_iav[..., v]
result['dm_unocc_proj_Iia'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_iav[..., v]
if yield_proj_ou:
result['dm_occ_proj_Iou'][iI] = dm_occ_proj_ouv[..., v]
result['dm_unocc_proj_Iou'][iI] = dm_unocc_proj_ouv[..., v]
self.log(f'Calculated and broadened dipoles contributions in {self.log.elapsed("calculate"):.2f}s '
f'for {work.desc}', flush=True)
yield work, result
if self.calc_comm.rank == 0:
self.log('Finished calculating dipoles contributions', flush=True)