from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Generator, Collection
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from gpaw.lcaotddft.ksdecomposition import KohnShamDecomposition
from gpaw.lcaotddft.laser import GaussianPulse, Laser
from gpaw.tddft.units import as_to_au, au_to_as, eV_to_au, fs_to_au
from gpaw.mpi import world
from .distributed import create_density_matrix_reader, create_pulse_convolver
from .density_matrix import DensityMatrix
from .base import BaseDensityMatrices, WorkMetadata
from .frequency import FrequencyDensityMatricesFromDisk
from ..perturbation import create_perturbation, Perturbation, PerturbationLike, PulsePerturbation
from ..utils import Logger, two_communicator_sizes, get_gaussian_pulse_values
class ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata(WorkMetadata):
""" Metadata to the density matrices """
density_matrices: ConvolutionDensityMatrices
globalt: int
globalp: int
localt: int
localp: int
def __new__(cls,
density_matrices: ConvolutionDensityMatrices,
globalt: int,
globalp: int,
localt: int,
localp: int):
self = WorkMetadata.__new__(cls, density_matrices=density_matrices)
self.globalt = globalt
self.globalp = globalp
self.localt = localt
self.localp = localp
return self
def global_indices(self):
return (self.globalp, self.globalt)
def time(self) -> float:
""" Simulation time in as """
return self.density_matrices.times[self.globalt]
def pulse(self) -> Perturbation:
return self.density_matrices.pulses[self.globalp]
def desc(self) -> str:
timestr = f'{self.time:.1f}as'
if len(self.density_matrices.pulses) == 1:
return timestr
d = self.pulse.todict()
if d['name'] == 'GaussianPulse':
pulsestr = f'{d["frequency"]:.1f}eV'
pulsestr = f'#{self.globalp}'
return f'{timestr} @ Pulse {pulsestr}'
class ConvolutionDensityMatrices(BaseDensityMatrices[ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata]):
Collection of density matrices in the Kohn-Sham basis for different times,
after convolution with various pulses.
Plain density matrices and/or derivatives thereof may be represented.
KohnShamDecomposition object or filename
Convolute the density matrices with these pulses
Compute density matrices for these times (or as close to them as possible). In as
Compute density matrix derivatives of the following orders.
0 for plain density matrix and positive integers for derivatives
Calculate the real part of density matrices
Calculate the imaginary part of density matrices
Size of the calculation communicator
def __init__(self,
ksd: KohnShamDecomposition | str,
pulses: Collection[PerturbationLike],
times: list[float] | NDArray[np.float64],
derivative_order_s: list[int] = [0],
real: bool = True,
imag: bool = True,
calc_size: int = 1,
log: Logger | None = None):
self._time_t = np.array(times)
self._pulses = [create_perturbation(pulse) for pulse in pulses]
real=real, imag=imag,
calc_size=calc_size, log=log)
def times(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]:
""" Simulation time in as """
return self._time_t
def nt(self) -> int:
""" Number of times """
return len(self.times)
def pulses(self) -> list[Perturbation]:
""" Pulses with which density matrices are convoluted """
return self._pulses
def work_loop(self,
rank: int) -> Generator[ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata | None, None, None]:
nt = len(self.times)
ntperrank = (nt + self.loop_comm.size - 1) // self.loop_comm.size
# Do convolution pulse-by-pulse, time-by-time
for p, pulse in enumerate(self.pulses):
# Determine which times to compute on this loop_comm rank for good load balancing
shift = (p * nt + rank) % self.loop_comm.size
for localt in range(ntperrank):
globalt = shift + localt * self.loop_comm.size
if globalt < nt:
yield ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata(density_matrices=self, globalt=globalt,
localt=localt, globalp=p, localp=p)
yield None
class TimeDensityMatricesFromWaveFunctions(ConvolutionDensityMatrices):
Collection of density matrices in the Kohn-Sham basis for different times,
obtained by reading the wave functions dump file.
KohnShamDecomposition object or filename
Filename of the GPAW wave functions dump file
Compute density matrices for these times (or as close to them as possible). In as
Calculate the real part of density matrices
Calculate the imaginary part of density matrices
Size of the calculation communicator
Options passed to the GPAW wave functions reader
Skip this many steps when reading wave function dump file
def __init__(self,
ksd: KohnShamDecomposition | str,
wfs_fname: str,
times: list[float] | NDArray[np.float64],
real: bool = True,
imag: bool = True,
calc_size: int = 1,
log: Logger | None = None,
stridet: int = 1):
rho_nn_direct = create_density_matrix_reader(wfs_fname, ksd,
yield_re=real, yield_im=imag,
filter_times=np.array(times) * as_to_au,
stridet=stridet, log=log)
self.rho_nn_direct = rho_nn_direct
assert rho_nn_direct.lcao_rho_reader.striden == 0
times=rho_nn_direct.time_t * au_to_as,
imin, imax, amin, amax = self.ksd.ialims()
if stride_opts is None:
stride_opts = dict()
striden1 = stride_opts.pop('striden1', 0)
striden2 = stride_opts.pop('striden2', 0)
assert striden1 == 0, striden1
assert striden2 == 0, striden2
# Read density matrices corresponding to ksd ialims
self._n1slice = slice(imin, imax + 1)
self._n2slice = slice(amin, amax + 1)
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[tuple[ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata, DensityMatrix], None, None]:
assert self.calc_comm.size == 1 # TODO
for work, dm_buffer in zip(self.work_loop(self.loop_comm.rank),
self.rho_nn_direct.iread(0, 0, self._n1slice, self._n2slice)):
assert work is not None
rho_ia = dm_buffer.real + 1j * dm_buffer.imag
matrices = {0: rho_ia}
dm = DensityMatrix(ksd=self.ksd, matrices=matrices, data_is_ravelled=False)
yield work, dm
def parallel_prepare(self):
class ConvolutionDensityMatricesFromDisk(ConvolutionDensityMatrices):
Collection of density matrices in the Kohn-Sham basis after convolution with
one or several pulses, for different times. Read from disk
KohnShamDecomposition object or filename
Formatting string for the density matrices saved to disk.
* pulserho_fmt = 'pulserho/t{time:09.1f}{tag}.npy'
Accepts variables
* {time} - Time in as
* {tag} - Derivative tag, '', '-Iomega', or '-omega2'
* {pulsefreq} - Pulse frequency in eV
* {pulsefwhm} - Pulse FWHM in fs
Convolute the density matrices with these pulses
Compute density matrices for these times (or as close to them as possible). In as
Compute density matrix derivatives of the following orders.
0 for plain density matrix and positive integers for derivatives
Calculate real part of density matrices
Calculate imaginary part of density matrices
Size of the calculation communicator
def __init__(self,
ksd: KohnShamDecomposition | str,
pulserho_fmt: str,
pulses: Collection[PerturbationLike],
times: list[float] | NDArray[np.float64],
derivative_order_s: list[int] = [0],
log: Logger | None = None,
real: bool = True,
imag: bool = True,
calc_size: int = 1):
super().__init__(ksd=ksd, pulses=pulses, times=times,
derivative_order_s=derivative_order_s, calc_size=calc_size, log=log)
self.pulserho_fmt = pulserho_fmt
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[tuple[ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata, DensityMatrix], None, None]:
tag_s = ['', '-Iomega', '-omega2']
for work in self.local_work_plan:
matrices: dict[int, NDArray[np.complex128] | None] = dict()
for derivative in self.derivative_order_s:
if self.calc_comm.rank > 0:
# Don't read on non calc comm root ranks
matrices[derivative] = None
fname_kw = dict(time=work.time, tag=tag_s[derivative],
fname = self.pulserho_fmt.format(**fname_kw)
f = np.load(fname)
if isinstance(f, np.lib.npyio.NpzFile):
# Read npz file
rho = f['rho_p']
# Read npy file
assert isinstance(f, np.ndarray)
rho = f
matrices[derivative] = rho
dm = DensityMatrix(ksd=self.ksd, matrices=matrices, data_is_ravelled=True)
yield work, dm
class ConvolutionDensityMatricesFromFrequency(ConvolutionDensityMatrices):
Collection of density matrices in the Kohn-Sham basis after convolution with
one or several pulses, for different times. Obtained from the the density
matrices in frequency space, which are read from disk.
KohnShamDecomposition object or filename
Formatting string for the density matrices
in frequency space saved to disk.
* frho_fmt = 'frho/w{freq:05.2f}-{reim}.npy'
Accepts variables:
* {freq} - Frequency in eV
* {reim} - 'Re' or 'Im' for Fourier transform of real/imaginary
part of density matrix
Convolute the density matrices with these pulses
Compute density matrices for these times (or as close to them as possible). In as
Compute density matrix derivatives of the following orders.
0 for plain density matrix and positive integers for derivatives
Calculate real part of density matrices
Calculate imaginary part of density matrices
Size of the calculation communicator
def __init__(self,
ksd: KohnShamDecomposition | str,
frho_fmt: str,
pulses: Collection[PerturbationLike],
times: list[float] | NDArray[np.float64],
derivative_order_s: list[int] = [0],
log: Logger | None = None,
real: bool = True,
imag: bool = True,
calc_size: int = 1):
super().__init__(ksd=ksd, pulses=pulses, times=times,
derivative_order_s=derivative_order_s, calc_size=calc_size, log=log)
# Frequency grid for convolution
if not all(pulse.todict()['name'] == 'GaussianPulse' for pulse in self.pulses):
raise NotImplementedError('Only Gaussian pulses implemented for ResponseFromFourierTransform')
full_freq_w = convolution_freq_w_many([pulse.pulse for pulse in self.pulses]) # type: ignore
freq_density_matrices = FrequencyDensityMatricesFromDisk(
ksd=self.ksd, frho_fmt=frho_fmt, frequencies=full_freq_w,
real=real, imag=imag,
derivative_order_s=derivative_order_s, calc_size=calc_size)
self.freq_density_matrices = freq_density_matrices
# Currently, both objects are creating their own communicators
assert self.loop_comm.rank == freq_density_matrices.loop_comm.rank
assert self.loop_comm.size == freq_density_matrices.loop_comm.size
assert self.calc_comm.rank == freq_density_matrices.calc_comm.rank
assert self.calc_comm.size == freq_density_matrices.calc_comm.size
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[tuple[ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata, DensityMatrix], None, None]:
First dimension: frequency (corresponding to the frequencies in freq_w)
Second dimension: Plain density matrix, first derivative, second derivative,
in this order, but by omitting an index from s_included this
data can be skipped. Example
s_inlcuded = [0, 2]
rho_wsrq second dimension has size 2 and contains plain density matrix
and second derivative
Third dimension: Size 2. First element is Fourier tranform of real part of density matrix
second element Fourier transform of imaginary part of density matrix
Fourth dimension: Compound index of electron-hole pair, distributed over calc_comm
import gc
# Begin by reading the full matrix of all frequency density matrices on all ranks
# Distribute the ksd over the calc_comm
# Read density matrix
wsrq_shape = (len(self.freq_density_matrices.frequencies), len(self.tag_s), 2, len(self.ksd.w_q))
full_rho_wsrq = np.zeros(wsrq_shape, dtype=complex)
for fwork, dm in self.freq_density_matrices.iread_gather_on_root():
w = fwork.globalw
r = fwork.globalr
for s, derivative in enumerate(self.derivative_order_s):
rho_p = dm._get_rho(derivative, ravelled=True) if self.calc_comm.rank == 0 else None
self.ksd.distribute_p(rho_p, full_rho_wsrq[w, s, r], root=0)
del rho_p
if self.loop_comm.rank == 0 and self.calc_comm.rank == 0:
self.log(f'Distributed density matrix in {self.log.elapsed("distribute"):.1f}s', flush=True)
full_rho_wsrq /= self.freq_density_matrices.kickstr
full_freq_w = self.freq_density_matrices.frequencies
matrices: dict[int, NDArray[np.complex128] | None]
for work in self.local_work_plan:
# Determine which subset of the full_freq_w is needed
freq_w = convolution_freq_w(self.pulses[work.globalp].pulse) # type: ignore
after_w = full_freq_w > freq_w[-1] + 1e-3
startw: int = np.argmax(full_freq_w > freq_w[0] - 1e-3) # type: ignore
stopw: int = len(full_freq_w) if not any(after_w) else np.argmax(after_w) # type: ignore
# Extract the same subset of the density matrices
rho_wsrq = full_rho_wsrq[startw:stopw]
# Convolve
assert isinstance(work.pulse, PulsePerturbation)
convolver = FourierConvolver(work.pulse.pulse, freq_w * eV_to_au, rho_wsrq)
pulserho_srq = convolver.convolve(work.time, units='as')
if self.loop_comm.rank == 0 and self.calc_comm.rank == 0:
self.log(f'Convolved density matrices in {self.log.elapsed("convolve"):.1f}s', flush=True)
matrices = {}
for derivative, pulserho_q in zip(self.derivative_order_s,
pulserho_srq[:, 0] + 1.0j * pulserho_srq[:, 1]):
pulserho_p = self.ksd.collect_q(pulserho_q, root=0)
if self.calc_comm.rank == 0:
matrices[derivative] = pulserho_p
assert pulserho_p is None
matrices[derivative] = None
del pulserho_srq
del pulserho_p
dm = DensityMatrix(ksd=self.ksd, matrices=matrices, data_is_ravelled=True)
yield work, dm
class ConvolutionDensityMatricesFromWaveFunctions(ConvolutionDensityMatrices):
Collection of density matrices in the Kohn-Sham basis after convolution with
one or several pulses, for different times. Obtained from the wave functions dump file,
which is read from disk.
KohnShamDecomposition object or filename
Filename of the GPAW wave functions dump file
Perturbation that was present during time propagation
Convolute the density matrices with these pulses
Compute density matrices for these times (or as close to them as possible). In as
Compute density matrix derivatives of the following orders.
0 for plain density matrix and positive integers for derivatives
Calculate real part of density matrices
Calculate imaginary part of density matrices
Size of the calculation communicator
Options passed to the GPAW wave functions reader
Skip this many steps when reading wave function dump file
def __init__(self,
ksd: KohnShamDecomposition | str,
wfs_fname: str,
perturbation: PerturbationLike,
pulses: Collection[PerturbationLike],
times: list[float] | NDArray[np.float64],
derivative_order_s: list[int] = [0],
real: bool = True,
imag: bool = True,
calc_size: int = 1,
log: Logger | None = None,
stridet: int = 1):
_, calc_size = two_communicator_sizes(-1, calc_size)
# The calc_comm rank 0's are world ranks 0, with a spacing of calc_size
result_on_ranks = list(range(0, world.size, calc_size))
rho_nn_conv = create_pulse_convolver(wfs_fname, ksd,
yield_re=real, yield_im=imag,
filter_times=np.array(times) * as_to_au,
self.rho_nn_conv = rho_nn_conv
super().__init__(ksd=rho_nn_conv.ksd, pulses=pulses, times=rho_nn_conv.time_t * au_to_as,
derivative_order_s=derivative_order_s, calc_size=calc_size,
def myt(self) -> list[int]:
""" List of indices corresponding to the time indices on held on this rank """
return self.rho_nn_conv.my_work()
def work_loop(self,
rank: int) -> Generator[ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata | None, None, None]:
nt = len(self.times)
ntperrank = (nt + self.loop_comm.size - 1) // self.loop_comm.size
for p, pulse in enumerate(self.pulses):
for localt in range(ntperrank):
globalt = rank + localt * self.loop_comm.size
if globalt < nt:
yield ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata(density_matrices=self, globalt=globalt,
localt=localt, globalp=p, localp=p)
yield None
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[tuple[ConvolutionDensityMatrixMetadata, DensityMatrix], None, None]:
parameters = self.rho_nn_conv.rho_nn_reader._parameters
flt = (slice(parameters.n1size), slice(parameters.n2size))
dist_buffer = self.rho_nn_conv.dist_buffer # Perform the redistribution
self.log.comm = self.loop_comm # Indicate in the logger that we are now working on the loop comm
if self.calc_comm.rank != 0:
assert len(self.myt) == 0, self.myt
for work in self.local_work_plan:
if self.calc_comm.rank == 0:
assert self.myt[work.localt] == work.globalt
localflt = flt + (work.localp, work.localt)
matrices: dict[int, NDArray[np.complex128] | None] = dict()
for derivative in self.derivative_order_s:
if self.calc_comm.rank > 0:
matrices[derivative] = None
# Buffer shape is i, a, pulses, times
if 'Re' in self.reim:
Rerho_ia = dist_buffer._get_real(derivative)[localflt]
if 'Im' in self.reim:
Imrho_ia = dist_buffer._get_imag(derivative)[localflt]
if 'Re' in self.reim and 'Im' in self.reim:
# Complex result
# Compared to numpy, we use another convention, hence the minus sign
rho_ia = Rerho_ia - 1j * Imrho_ia
elif 'Re' in self.reim:
# Real result
rho_ia = Rerho_ia
rho_ia = -1j * Imrho_ia
matrices[derivative] = rho_ia
dm = DensityMatrix(ksd=self.ksd, matrices=matrices, data_is_ravelled=False)
yield work, dm
def parallel_prepare(self):
self.rho_nn_conv.dist_buffer # Perform the redistribution
class FourierConvolver:
Convolve using Fourier transforms.
Use given frequencies in Fourier transform.
def __init__(self,
pulse: Laser,
omega_w: NDArray[np.float64],
data_wX: NDArray[np.complex128]):
self.pulse = pulse
# Impulse response data
self.omega_w = omega_w
d_wX = data_wX
# Pulse in frequency space
pulse_w = self.pulse.fourier(omega_w)
# Convolution product
d_Xw = np.moveaxis(d_wX, 0, -1)
pd_Xw = d_Xw * pulse_w
self.pd_wX = np.moveaxis(pd_Xw, -1, 0)
def convolve(self, time, units='au'):
# Convert time to ndarray
time_t = np.array(time, dtype=float)
if units == 'fs':
time_t *= fs_to_au
elif units == 'as':
time_t *= as_to_au
assert units == 'au'
if time_t.ndim == 0:
# If argument is a single number,
# return value without time axis
return self._convolve(time_t[np.newaxis])[0]
return self._convolve(time_t)
def _convolve(self, time_t):
pd_tX = inversefourier(self.omega_w, self.pd_wX, time_t, None)
return pd_tX
def fourier(time_t, a_tX, omega_w, folding='Gauss', width=0.08, sign=1.0):
if width is None:
folding = None
if folding is None:
def envelope(t):
return 1.0
width = width * eV_to_au
if folding == 'Gauss':
# f(w) = Nw exp(-w^2/2/sigma^2)
# f(t) = exp(-t^2 sigma^2/2)
def envelope(t):
return np.exp(-0.5 * width**2 * t**2)
elif folding == 'Lorentz':
# f(w) = Nw eta / [omega^2 + (eta)^2]
# f(t) = exp(-t eta)
def envelope(t):
return np.exp(-width * t)
raise RuntimeError('unknown folding "' + folding + '"')
dt_t = np.insert(time_t[1:] - time_t[:-1], 0, 0.0)
f_wt = np.exp(sign * 1j * np.outer(omega_w, time_t))
a_Xt = np.rollaxis(a_tX, 0, len(a_tX.shape))
a_wX = np.tensordot(f_wt, dt_t * envelope(time_t) * a_Xt,
axes=(1, len(a_Xt.shape) - 1))
return a_wX
def inversefourier(omega_w, a_wX, time_t, folding='Gauss', width=0.08):
# This function assumes that time-domain quantity is real
a_tX = fourier(omega_w, a_wX / (2 * np.pi), time_t, folding, width,
return 2 * a_tX.real
def convolution_freq_w(pulse: GaussianPulse) -> NDArray[np.float64]:
""" Compute necessary frequency grid for the supplied pulses
Laser pulse. The wider the pulse is in frequency
the larger frequency grid is to be returned
Necessary frequency grid to perform the convolution
from gpaw.tddft.units import au_to_eV
frequency = pulse.omega0 * au_to_eV
sigma = pulse.sigma * au_to_eV
freqmin = np.floor((frequency - 4 * sigma) * 20) / 20
freqmin = max(freqmin, 0.05)
freqmax = np.ceil((frequency + 4 * sigma) * 20) / 20
freq_w = np.arange(freqmin, freqmax + 1e-4, 0.05)
return freq_w
def convolution_freq_w_many(pulses: Collection[GaussianPulse]) -> NDArray[np.float64]:
""" Compute necessary frequency grid for the supplied pulses
List of laser pulses to consider. The wider the pulses are in frequency
the larger frequency grid is to be returned
Necessary frequency grid to perform the convolution
from gpaw.tddft.units import au_to_eV
omega0s = np.array([pulse.omega0 for pulse in pulses])
sigmas = np.array([pulse.sigma for pulse in pulses])
sigma = np.max(sigmas) * au_to_eV
freqmin = np.floor((np.min(omega0s) * au_to_eV - 4 * sigma) * 20) / 20
freqmin = max(freqmin, 0.05)
freqmax = np.ceil((np.max(omega0s) * au_to_eV + 4 * sigma) * 20) / 20
freq_w = np.arange(freqmin, freqmax + 1e-4, 0.05)
return freq_w